Jesus Christ Is My Healer (My Personal Testimony Part I)

Here is one chapter in my life that will always stay fresh in my mind. Sometimes I don’t want to think about it because it brings back a tremendous feeling in me but the Holy Spirit has been leading me to share it here in my blog. This experience in my life is a living proof that God is still the same yesterday, today and forever and miracles happen when we pray. I’m not telling this to glorify myself or anybody but to glorify the name of Jesus, my Healer. It was September 1995 when I felt a lump in my left breast while I was taking a bath. I got worried but I can’t go to the doctor at that time because I had no money, no job and my grandmother who had been supporting us from her pension just passed away. My sister Violy was the sole bread-winner at that time and life was not that easy. I am a college graduate but it's not easy to get a job in the Philippines. I tried my best to look for one and I applied in different offices but no luck. Then after a few months of searching an...