DVBS 2010
When I was I kid I used to attend DVBS (Daily Vacation Bible School) during summer. I enjoyed listening to Bible stories and doing some activities like coloring and game competitions. That was many moon years back but I still remember the stories I heard and the songs we sang at VBS. Many years had passed and now I’m a VBS teacher. Yesiree!!! I taught VBS this past week and I tell you I had fun. I am a licensed secondary school teacher major in Math but I never dreamed that I would be a VBS teacher. I believe that it’s all part of God’s plan that instead of teaching Math, I would be teaching the Word of God to the kids. Who would have thought that I would become a missionary’s wife and start a ministry here in my homeland? But God chose me and I would have to be obedient to His calling. Last week we went from house to house in one of the barangays here in our town about 2 miles away from our house. Most of the people there are my kinfolks and most of them are not yet saved. So hubby a...