A Voice From Beyond

In Memory Of A Soul

Come to be with us, We do not talk about our neighbors , for our voices are stilled, but we send out messages of warning to those who view our silent city----- the city in which others have placed us'

Oh how we would like to warn you not to cover your sins, but to confess and forsake them, that they may be blotted out of GOD's record. It is not all of life just to live; but to live again--- at peace with GOD and man. There is a great difference between those of us with Lazarus in Heaven and those of us with Dives in HELL. DO NOT wait until you come to be with us to repent BUT DO IT NOW; THERE IS NO BETTER TIME. Do it before you come here it will be to late then. we waited to long "O ETERNITY ! how long?" is our wail.

Oh take heed of GOD's messengers-- those who cease not to teach and preach JESUS CHRIST, GOD's only begotten Son, as crucified for our sins according to the scriptures, buried, but risen again from the dead the third day, according to scriptures that whosoever believeth in Him (JESUS) should not perish but have everlasting life. Search the scriptures which are full of promises and warnings to your precious soul. Follow peace with all menand holiness ,without which no man shall see the LORD. live not for life on earth; but live live only with that eternal abode in mind. Set your affections on things above where CHRIST sitteth at the right hand of GOD; Assemble with Christians at every convenient appointment, least satan distract you from the WORD of GOD and lead you astray . Watch and Pray always. Keep yourself in the love of GOD; for your adversary the DEVIL goeth about as a roaring lion seeking whom hr devour. Hear us! hear us! HEAR US NOW! One second is to long to hesitate, Most of us are in Eternal ! BURNING because we despised the precious moment of opportunity to accept Christ's PARDON.


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