Problems and Perspective

You and your friend have been close for years--never a cross word between you. But suddenly, you find yourself reacting with harsh, impatient words. Where did that come from? And your friend looks at you with a puzzled expression as if asking the same thing. If you will look beneath the problem, you will find a new perspective. Perhaps there's a wound that needs healing, a jealousy that needs confessing, or a resentment in need of repentance.

Problems in life are tools in the Holy Spirit's hands to reveal things to us we might never have otherwise considered--truth about God, about others, and especially about ourselves. If we respond to the perspective God allows us to see, we can come out the other side more mature. Remember the problem Paul had that he asked God to take away--and God said "No"? Paul saw something new: God's grace is sufficient--so much so that he began opening his arms to problems in order to experience more grace (2 Corinthians 12:7-10).

The next time you experience a problem, pray for perspective--and open your heart to embrace what God reveals.

It is good for me that I have been afflicted that I may learn Your statutes.
Psalm 119:71


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