The Grace of God Saved Me
Only by the grace of God saved me.
BEFORE I KNEW THE LORD I WAS AN ALCOHOLIC. I was drinking anywhere from 1 to 2 cases of beer a day. The beer was taking over my life. I had a business, a used car lot, an automotive shop, and a wrecking yard selling used parts. I was making good money doing this, but I started drinking heavy and pretty soon everything started going down hill. My business started to go under. My marriage was falling apart. I was on the verge of suicide. To make a long story short I was as low as I could get. Then on the third Thursday of October 1986, something wonderful happened. I was saved by the grace of God. I asked the Lord God to forgive me of my sins and wrong doings. Jesus came into my life and took away the desire of the alcohol. Since that day I have not touched beer since. The Lord put my marriage back together, my first wife and I was married for 27 years until the Lord called her home in Feb. 1996. The Lord called me to preach in May of 1987. I was licensed to preach on May 8, 1989 and ordained in August 13, 1989. There is no greater calling than to be called to preach the Word of God our Lord and Savior. I have learned that I do not need beer to have a good time. With Jesus every day is a blessed day.
You too can have life eternal by repenting of your sins and asking Jesus to save you. There is no other way to Heaven but through Jesus Christ. Good works or being a good person won't get you salvation. The only way is through Jesus Christ......
Now I have Jesus and God has given me the most wonderful and beautiful Wife in the world named Lisa.
BEFORE I KNEW THE LORD I WAS AN ALCOHOLIC. I was drinking anywhere from 1 to 2 cases of beer a day. The beer was taking over my life. I had a business, a used car lot, an automotive shop, and a wrecking yard selling used parts. I was making good money doing this, but I started drinking heavy and pretty soon everything started going down hill. My business started to go under. My marriage was falling apart. I was on the verge of suicide. To make a long story short I was as low as I could get. Then on the third Thursday of October 1986, something wonderful happened. I was saved by the grace of God. I asked the Lord God to forgive me of my sins and wrong doings. Jesus came into my life and took away the desire of the alcohol. Since that day I have not touched beer since. The Lord put my marriage back together, my first wife and I was married for 27 years until the Lord called her home in Feb. 1996. The Lord called me to preach in May of 1987. I was licensed to preach on May 8, 1989 and ordained in August 13, 1989. There is no greater calling than to be called to preach the Word of God our Lord and Savior. I have learned that I do not need beer to have a good time. With Jesus every day is a blessed day.
You too can have life eternal by repenting of your sins and asking Jesus to save you. There is no other way to Heaven but through Jesus Christ. Good works or being a good person won't get you salvation. The only way is through Jesus Christ......
Now I have Jesus and God has given me the most wonderful and beautiful Wife in the world named Lisa.
"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." (Ephesians 2:8-9)
